1991 Grand Canyon

After Jay & I got married we took the opportunity to visit with my aunt & uncle, Alberta & Willis Schaller in Arizona. Alberta was actually not my aunt but my cousin. My mother was Alberta’s first cousin & they were only 6 months apart in age. Since Mom was an only child she felt like Alberta was a sister as they had spent most summers together as young children & teenagers.

Anyway Willis was in the Air Force & they had been stationed all over the country during his military service. I remember visiting them as a child in Georgia where they were stationed at the time. Their last duty tour was in Arizona & they stayed after Willis retired. Willis needed to be busy & couldn’t stay retired so he went back to work. I can’t remember whether this was his first job after retiring from the Air Force or not, but when we visited in 1991 He was working for the Bureau of Indian Affairs. He was stationed up on the Navajo Reservation in Chinle & would travel from Phoenix to Chinle during the week.

When we went out to visit Alberta & Willis, the four of us traveled up to Williams, Arizona where we took the Grand Canyon Railway to the Grand Canyon’s South Rim. After visiting the Grand Canyon we traveled through the Navajo Reservation to Chinle & Canyon de Chelly. These are areas many people may miss, but are breath taking. Enjoy my pictures taken on this wonderful trip with two very special people.

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