I love to travel, Jay agrees to come along most of the time. This site is a place where I can showcase photos from our various trips, as well as tell you a little about our trips. This is a work in progress & will change over time as I learn what I am doing.
During our marriage Jay & I have been able to travel to many wonderful places, in this country & overseas. For our 5th anniversary we were able to take a trip of a lifetime going to Australia & New Zealand. For our 10th anniversary we took our first cruise around the Hawaiian Islands. For Jay’s 60th birthday we went on our first transatlantic cruise and then spent a week in London. We have been on numerous Caribbean cruises. We took an inside passage cruise to Alaska round trip from Seattle. In 2020 we were lucky enough to take a cruise from Santiago, Chili to Buenos Aires, Argentina & included 4 days at the Antarctic Peninsula. We came home to the pandemic of Covid-19 and trips were basically on hold. Now that we have the vaccines for Covid we are hoping to get back to traveling. We are planning a trip to the Baltic in 2022 and will be going back to Alaska in 2023. Click on “Trips” in the menu to bring up a drop down box for links to pictures & narration about our many trips.